Friday, February 20, 2009

My quote for the day

Gathering my thoughts and feelings on everyday happenings & experiences leads me to these personal quotes you guys might be able to relate to. Here's the one for today. . .

The greatest challenge of being a woman is admitting that you can never be truly happy unless you’re completely honest with yourself.

Come on, I know you believe this one is true. We often tend to show a happy grin and appear fine despite all the stress & distress we encounter everyday. Somehow, we also want to prove that we are the stronger gender. But more often it is because we are trying to convince the world and ourselves that everything is under control.

I believe it is basically normal but when things get a little tough and frustrating, it's acceptable that we sometimes slow down to examine ourselves and honestly admit that we can't be always happy with what's happening in our lives.

Life gets monotonous from time to time, and when it does, it's just so hard to maintain that happy state. Sometimes I get so discouraged and pissed off with everything that I wish the ground would swallow me whole and take me to another world.

Oh well, I'm a self-confessed emotionally transparent jerk. People can easily see when I'm happy or sad, okay or not. I cry when I get sad or hurt. Who the hell cares! At least I'm being honest with myself.

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